hope street COllective

Have fun, share life together and grow in faith, character and courage as you walk alongside other 18-30’s and the Hope Street community. So, whether you live in Wrexham, or are just here during the week, we’d love to connect with you.

Check out what’s happening over the coming term below.


Join us on a Sunday at our gatherings at 10.30 & 18.00 for a time of prayer, worship and community.
Join us monthly after the 18.00 for our Collective nights!


Our team would love to meet you and welcome you to Wrexham!
Drop us a message or pop into our Coffee Shop, Tabernacl to say hi.


We’ll be running events and hangouts throughout the year!
From Bingo to Quizzes to Film Nights, keep an eye on our social media for more information.

Stay up to date


key info

18-30 yrs